Saturday, February 5, 2011

Thesis Statement

For my paper i believe that i would make the thesis statement a little something like this according to the outline we discussed in class.

Why you Can't Sit Down to Eat Without Making a Statement is an effective argument to convince consumers of the world to watch what they are eating because it uses emotional political topics, logical relations between food and foreign policy, and sound statistics to create a feeling of awareness about what political statement it makes to eat what you eat.

The title of this article is kind of long so that makes for a large sentence so i might need to fix that but other than that there yah  go!


  1. The title is very interesting. What is it about?

  2. This is a really good thesis. I don't think the title problem will be too much of an issue for you, because i think the thesis will be nested in an introduction paragraph, where you could introduce the title before, and in your actual thesis you could just say "This article..."

    I'm excited to see this, should be great!

  3. It is an agriculture article about how everything you buy and consume makes a statement. It talks about how even with health conscious organic people,Americans still prefer convenience and low price to local farms. And it hints at extremes by saying that buying cut flowers is supporting inhumane working conditions in Colombia because thats where we ship most of our flowers from. Its all very extreme but interesting to know how much your choices influence the economy.

  4. I think that your RA on this paper will be really interesting! Off the topic of your RA, I dislike the statement from your original article that talks about how buying cut flowers supports inhumane working conditions in Columbia. While I'm sure that this statement is true, it's a very biased statement and doesn't focus on the other end of the argument. If we stop buying cut flowers, we're not doing anyone in Columbia a favor, we're just taking away the only job that many Columbians have available to them, which makes them worse off than they were when they were working.
